Grants Pass Homestays Group is a full service/management company that provides their clients with a worry free management experience that protects their property while maximizing revenue. We have systems and processes in place to manage your property and make it reach its full potential as a vacation rental. We work with a professional cleaning company with 35 staff members that are trained to clean our clients properties from top to bottom. Sometimes our clients homes get professionally cleaned 2-3 times a week! We also work with a yard care company who always goes above and beyond to keep our clients landscaping professionally manicured year round. Our maintenance crew is also available to our clients in case there are any maintenance needs for the property. We handle everything from helping getting your property set up to host guests, creating the listings and effectively managing your property to ensure its success as a vacation rental. Grants Pass Homestays Group is a one stop shop for your home and we are ready to get your home listed today!
Property Inspections
Revenue Management/Dynamic Pricing
Local Ownership
Guest Screening/ID Verification
Local Support 24/7
In-house Cleaning
Unlimited Owner Use
Average annual daily rate
Average annual occupancy
Property By Type
Property By Bedrooms
Please note that these metrics have been supplied directly by the vacation rental manager and have not been independently verified by Comparent or any other third-party entity. While we strive to present the most accurate and reliable information, Comparent disclaims any responsibility for the accuracy of these metrics.