Create a homeowner account
A Comparent account will let you:
Checkmate Rentals changes the way you get to enjoy your vacation homes. With our professional, local caretaking teams in every market we manage, central support staff, and 24/7 customer service, we’ll be there every step of the way.
We take care of managing our homeowners’ vacation homes so they can enjoy their free time (and their home, when they want to) and achieve outsized financial returns. Plus, our guests can book vacations with peace of mind, knowing they’re going to find exactly what they’re looking for, without any surprises.
Trust Accounting
Property Inspections
Revenue Management/Dynamic Pricing
Local Ownership
Guest Screening/ID Verification
Guest Damage Insurance/Security Deposit Insurance Program
Local Support 24/7
Commercial Laundry
Keyless Entry Provided
No Startup Fees
Unlimited Owner Use