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Posted 07/01/2024

Top Questions to Ask Potential Property Managers

Top Questions to Ask Potential Property Managers

As a vacation rental owner, finding the right property management company is critical to maximizing your rental income, ensuring that your property is well-maintained, and providing your guests with the best experience possible. Working with a vacation rental management company takes the stress out of managing your property and helps you achieve your vacation property investment goals. To make sure you hire the right candidate, here are the top questions you should ask a vacation rental management company during the hiring process. 

Learn About The Company

Experience in the short-term rental industry is key when it comes to managing vacation rentals. Experienced vacation rental management companies are more likely to have the skills to handle any challenges that arise with confidence and efficiency. 

  1. How many years have you been managing vacation rentals?

  2. Are you actively engaged in the local community and how do you support local initiatives?

  3. What does your average guest review say? Are guests happy with the service provided?

  4. What are the common themes in the feedback from property owners? What are your strengths and weaknesses?

  5. What type of properties do you manage similar to mine? (Think about things like size, amenities, and location)

  6. Can you provide examples of how you have successfully managed other properties, including ones similar to mine?

  7. Do you only manage properties in this local market or do you manage properties in other areas?

  8. What makes you stand out from your competition and why should I hire you?

  9. What is your preferred method of communication with homeowners, and how often will you report to me about my property?

Marketing Strategy

Effective marketing is vital to maintaining high occupancy rates and attracting guests. A strong marketing strategy guarantees that your vacation rental gets the right amount of attention.

  1. How will you market my vacation rentals and secure bookings?

  2. What kind of technology do you use and how does it benefit both me and my guests?

  3. What kind of paid advertising methods do you use, Google Ads, social media, email marketing, or all of the above and more?

  4. What websites and platforms would you use to market my vacation rental and why? Airbnb, VRBO, OTAs, Booking.com, direct?

  5. What percentage of your total bookings are received through direct channels? How does that percentage differ from third-party sites like Airbnb and VRBO?

  6. Can I also market my property alongside your company to acquire bookings?

  7. Do you provide professional property photography and optimized property descriptions? Can I provide my own?

  8. How do you adjust to seasonality and how do you alter your marketing strategy?

  9.  Is there anything special that you do or give to the guests to entice them to return? Welcome notes, gift baskets, local discounts, or complimentary attraction tickets?

Revenue Management

A strategic approach to revenue management will ensure high occupancy rates and enhance your rental property’s profitability. A knowledgeable vacation rental management company will have an effective strategy in place to optimize revenue. 

  1. How do you analyze the local market and determine nightly rates?

  2. How often do you review and adjust rates to remain competitive?

  3. Do you use any dynamic pricing tools to help you determine how to adjust rates based on demand, seasonality, and local events?

  4. What metrics do you track to measure success?

  5. How do you set and achieve revenue goals for the properties you manage?

  6. How do you monitor and report revenue performance and how often?

Guest-Centric Services

Guests are the most important factor in having a successful vacation rental. A management company that cares about providing favorable guest experiences, minimizing risks, and renting your property to a responsible guest is a great one.

  1. Do you offer 24/7 guest support?

  2. What methods of communication do you utilize? Email, phone, text message?

  3. How quickly do you respond to guest inquiries before, during, and after their stay?

  4. Do you perform background checks on incoming guests?

  5. How do you verify guest identities and payment information?

  6. How would you communicate and enforce the rules of my vacation rental?

  7. How do you handle check-in and check-out at the properties you manage?

  8. What steps do you take to prevent unwanted parties or large events from taking place?

  9. How do you handle any guest emergencies that arise?

Cleaning and Maintenance

Cleanliness and maintenance are vital to guest satisfaction and property upkeep. This ensures that your property remains in superb condition and receives positive reviews from guests.

  1. What cleaning procedures are followed between guest stays?

  2. What companies do you work with to clean and service my property?

  3. Do you perform walkthroughs to ensure that my property has been cleaned or serviced properly?

  4. Are any maintenance issues discussed with me before making a decision?

  5. Do you carry out routine wellness checks to make sure that my property is in good condition?

  6. How do you manage routine maintenance tasks and how often are they performed?

  7. How do you handle urgent maintenance issues?

  8. What is your process for assessing damage to my property caused by guests? Do you require a security deposit or offer damage insurance? If you opt for insurance, how do you effectively communicate coverage details with guests?

Fees and Contract Terms

Understanding all the costs and terms associated with the management agreement is crucial. Transparent fee structures and contract terms help you understand the financial implications of the partnership.

  1. What is the company’s fee structure? Is it based on a percentage of the rental income or a flat fee?

  2. What are the terms of the management contract, including the duration and termination clauses?

  3. Are there any other additional fees for services like cleaning, marketing, or maintenance?

  4. How do you organize and communicate bill payments? Will I have a dedicated professional or a team to approach?

  5. Do you submit occupancy taxes on my behalf?

  6. How often do you pay homeowners and will you provide monthly statements?